The ultimate guide to physiotherapy

ultimate guide to physiotherapy

Wondering if physiotherapy is right for you?

The great thing about physiotherapy is that it caters to everyone, as there are a wide range of physical therapy treatments that can treat injuries, conditions, mobility and more.


How did Physiotherapy Begin?

Hippocrates, the Greek Physician, is reportedly the first physiotherapists, who practised in the Classical Greek Era. However, the earliest documented professional group in the UK was established in 1894 by four nurses who formed the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy.

During the 1940s the main form of physical therapy involved massage, exercise and traction. Physiotherapy then began to develop, as it moved outside of hospital practice in order to improve mobility, recovery and rehabilitation for a wide range of injuries and conditions.

There are now over 74,000 registered physiotherapists employed in the UK, including our very own sports physio London based practitioners who work in our Physiotherapy Hounslow clinic. We also cover various types of physical therapy, from pelvic physio to surgical recovery.

What exactly is Physiotherapy?

Physiotherapy is a science-based treatment which works to prevent damage to the body and aids recovery for  a range of injuries, illnesses, conditions and disabilities. The main aim of physiotherapy is to improve human function and physical movement to enhance quality of life.


What are the different types of Physiotherapy?

There are so many forms of physiotherapy which cater to different issues, including:

  1. Massage

  1. Massage is one of the most popular physiotherapy treatments which aids mobility. A trained physical therapist will massage areas of the body that are causing problems in order to loosen soft tissue and muscles which may feel tight.

    Massage can massively improve quality of life, especially for anyone with dealing with a long-term condition, as it can successfully relieve any pain. It can also aid with related anxiety issues, which will result in better sleep.

  2. Acupuncture

    Acupuncture is another popular physio method which originates from the traditional Chinese treatment which involves inserting fine needles into specific areas of the body to treat and avoid injury, as well as helping with any post-surgery pain. Acupuncture needles are used to target under the skin sensory nerves which release pain-reducing endorphins.

    Acupuncture can be used to relieve a wide range of issues such as chronic pain, joint pain, migraines, dental paint and post-surgery pain.

  3. Mobility exercises

    Another popular physical therapy treatment is mobility exercise, which is used to loosen stiff joints after an injury or surgery. Mobility exercises will be performed by a qualified physician, and they also provide you with a range of exercises that should be conducted at home in order to speed up the recovery process.

    Mobility exercise programs are perfect for athletes who are looking to prevent or manage an injury, as this will avoid any career disturbances. They also work well for anyone who has recently had joint replacement surgery, as this can help to get the joints moving as soon as possible.


What are the Benefits of Physio?

Physiotherapy offers an extensive range of benefits that can aid a wide range of individuals. To help you decide if physical therapy is right for you, here are some of the most common benefits:

  1. Reduces Pain

    One of the main advantages of physiotherapy is that it can reduce or eliminate different types of pain. This can be achieved with a range of physiotherapy treatments and techniques such as soft tissue mobilisation, ultrasounds, electric stimulation and taping. These can be used separately or all together to not only relieve pain, but possibly reduce the chance of surgery and additional rehabilitation.

  2. Improves Mobility

    Physiotherapy is also ideal for anyone who is struggling with mobility issues, such as struggling to walk, stand or move. Mobility improvement can be achieved through stretching and strengthening physiotherapy exercises. Physiotherapists can also assess a patient’s eligibility for movement assistance devices such as a cane or crutches.

  3. Prevents and Manages Injury

    Another advantage of physiotherapy is that it can actually prevent and manage injury. This is beneficial for athletes as it helps them continue with training without any injury-related interruptions. A physical therapist will design a personalised exercise program to manage any problem areas and prevent future injuries.

  4. Aids Recovery and Rehabilitation

    Following an injury or surgery, physiotherapy can be extremely beneficial, as it will help to speed up recovery and aids rehabilitation. This could include sports-related rehab, stroke recovery or post-surgery recuperation. Whatever the situation, a physiotherapist will create a personalised rehabilitation program to ensure the body recovers quickly and safely.

  5. Helps with Women’s Health

    Women who are experiencing issues related to pregnancy or post-partum care can benefit from specialist physiotherapy. A woman’s health physical therapist will work with women During and after pregnancy to ensure the proper function of the pelvic floor. This can prevent weakened pelvic muscles, pelvic pain and incontinence problems.

  6. Manages Age-Related Problems

    Physiotherapy is also ideal for anyone dealing with age-related conditions such as arthritis or osteoporosis. Physical therapy is also offered after joint replacement surgery to ensure the new joint is working correctly, while also speeding up recovery and mobility.

  7. Enhances Lung and Heart Function

    Physio is typically offered to patients recovering from a heart attack to ensure proper recovery. It is also ideal for anyone suffering with a pulmonary condition, as physical therapy will help to improve lung function and clear fluid with breathing, strengthening and conditioning exercises.

  8. Helps with Diabetic Care

    Physical therapists will typically provide specially-designed exercises to diabetics that will help them control blood sugar levels and improve feet and leg circulation. Proper foot care will also be incorporated into diabetic therapy, as this will prevent any complications later down the lines.


How To Find a Physiotherapist in London

If you’re looking for a sports physio clinic in London, then look no further. At Sky Therapy, we offer a wide range of treatments right here at our Hounslow practice.

Whatever your concern, one of our professional practitioners will work with you to create a physical therapy program that works for you!

Harvey Ubhi, MSc

Lead Physiotherapist @ Sky Therapy

Harvey is a Chartered Physiotherapist with an extensive background in sports injury rehabilitation and prevention. He provides expert care for athletes’ injuries, tailoring bespoke treatments to everyone from World Champions to celebrities at his London-based physiotherapy clinic.


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